About The Owner

Meet The Face Behind The Store: Ashley Nicole

Hi, I'm Ashley Nicole, owner of Ash Nicole & Co. I am a mom to 4 beautiful children who remain the inspiration behind my business. I first started my business journey in December of 2012. I was due for my first born December 25th & did not want to return to the working world. I was sitting on my couch one night and this brilliant idea to sell kids clothing popped up in my head. I mean no one else was doing it so why not? This was waaaay before online boutiques were really even a "thing". I started of course and it was a complete FLOP! If I had $1 for everytime I got discouraged, ya girl would be riiiiiich! It took a lot of money, time and patience. My business didn't grow overnight but if this was what I wanted, I had to water the seeds.

Fast forward to 2016: I'm now expecting TWINS! Like cmon sis, really? From one to three within the blink of an eye. But it was at that very moment my faith was tested. I didn't think I would be able to manage with not one, but TWO newborns. I prayed, stacked my money and prepared myself to open a public location. I didn't have a title to a business plan, but I kept preparing myself as if everything was going to happen as I pictured it. They say ask and you shall receive right? Well, needless to say, May of 2017 I finally opened the doors as a brick and mortar store.

Ash Nicole & Co. is now housed in a 1500+ sq ft building on Commerce St. in Mississippi. I offer salon services as well as retailing my handmade organic products and clothing. I'm here to personally tell you NEVER EVER give up. You will fail, you will feel defeated. It's not the end of the road. The key is to keep faith the size of a mustard seed AT ALL TIMES!

Flowers don't bloom overnight. Build your garden. Nurture it with the right necessities and watch it bloom before your eyes.

"The race is not given to the swift or the battle to the strong, nor does food come to the wise or wealth to the brilliant or favor to the learned; but time and chance happened to them all.."

Ecclesiastes 9:11 

xoxo, Ashley Nicole